Provost Poser at 63rd Annual IP Conference
Serving on @IPLAChicago’s Board allows us to visit Board Members at their workplace.
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But we are proud to say that Daryl Lim contributed 594 entries already.
Serving on @IPLAChicago’s Board allows us to visit Board Members at their workplace.
Delighted to share the first blog post from last Friday’s 63rd Annual IP Conference on IP Compass by Runhua Wang.
The seminar traces its roots back to over 20 years, offering a “one-stop shop” for practitioners, inhouse counsel, academics and paralegals…
Just one week to go before our 63rd Annual IP Conference. Thanks to our speakers, sponsors, and attendees, we’re excited that this may be the best year yet for what is probably the oldest IP conference in the world.
Stanford Law School Dean Jenny Martinez visited Chicago to meet with alums and share news from the Farm this evening. In a wide-ranging Q&A session, she responded to questions about key challenges facing the Law School, its clinical programs, and other new developments there.
We were delighted to host Judge Essex, who delivered a public lecture titled “The ITC: An Insider’s View.
When I became Director in 2015, we reconstituted our advisory board. Those of us who knew Don agreed from the start that he was the obvious choice to be Chair.
Panel topic descriptions now available. Last chance to register!
Delighted to speak at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law’s 8th Annual IP Scholars’ Roundtable. Over two days, scholars from across the U.S. and Canada debated the legal implications of their research on commerce, social justice, creativity, innovation, culture, and more. See details here: