11th Annual Ethics in the Practice of Intellectual Property Law Seminar

Register for this in-depth program covering a variety of topics on ethics and professionalism that are relevant to IP lawyers. Attendees will learn about the types of ethical issues that arise in daily practice, as well as fundamental principles, rules, and insights to help them handle these issues. https://bit.ly/3d5xnv4

Save the Date! 64th Annual IP Conference – Friday, November 13, 2020

Save the date for our 64th Annual IP Conference - Friday, November 13, 2020! Chair of our advisory board and former Federal Circuit Chief Judge Paul Michel will deliver the keynote address.

UIC John Marshall’s Intellectual Property and Practical Training Programs Rated Among Nation’s Best

This year’s recognition continues an eighty-year tradition of offering our students the best quality IP education available. Law students aspiring to an IP-focused career, as well as law and non-law students aspiring to specialize in other areas, know the UIC John Marshall experience offers them an important competitive advantage. With the steadfast support of the university and Law School, we strive not only to observe the IP world around us but also to continue to be a constructive player in it.

Save the Date: 11th Annual Ethics in the Practice of IP Law Seminar

Now in its 11th year, we'll be offering an ethics seminar focused on intellectual property law. We'll be taking that seminar online this year! We hope that as with our recent conference on digital platforms, this new format will allow many more people to benefit from the insights that our conference faculty will share on Friday, June 5, 2020.

A Tribute to Michele Bridges (Part II)

Earlier this week, I posted the first part of our tribute to Michele Bridges, our former Executive Director, featuring former Federal Circuit Chief Judge Michel and former Center Director Richard Gruner: https://bit.ly/3aug7PB. During her time with us, Michele touched many other lives, including those of students, adjuncts, and partners both in the U.S. and abroad. A few wrote to us. With their permission, I am pleased to share their tributes.

An “A+” in IP from preLaw Magazine

Pleased to see UIC John Marshall Law School’s Intellectual Property (IP) Law program recognized as one of the best in the nation for the fourth year in a row by preLaw Magazine. It received an A+ grade.

A Tribute to Michele Bridges

A tribute to Michele Bridges, our Center's former Executive Director, featuring quotes from former Federal Circuit Chief Judge Michel and former Center Director Richard Gruner: https://bit.ly/3aug7PB

First ever online conference – done!

On Friday, we hosted our first-ever completely online conference. It seemed appropriate that our conference focused on legal and policy issues arising from digital platforms. Given the strong interest by attendees who signed up earlier, we decided on Wednesday to migrate the event online. Surprisingly, we soon received inquiries from China, Europe, India, and elsewhere, and were glad that many more folks were able to join us.

Join us for our Digital Platforms Conference (Completely Online)!

Join us for our Digital Platforms Conference (Completely Online)!

Spring 2020 Newsletter

I’ve included a link to our Center’s spring newsletter, which highlights our recent activities, as well as announcements of what lies ahead http://bit.ly/2TzvlwA.