64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, Huawei!
BlogWe're delighted to recognize Huawei as a Silver level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. We particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times.
Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Steven Geiszler, U.S. Chief IP Litigation Counsel at Huawei has to say!
Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/
64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, Marshall Gerstein!
BlogWe're delighted to recognize Marshall Gerstein as a Supporter level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. Marshall Gerstein has been a steadfast partner over the years, and we particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Ryan Phelan, Partner at Marshall Gerstein has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/
64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, Licks Attorneys!
BlogWe're delighted to recognize Licks Attorneys as a Supporter level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. Licks Attorneys has been a steadfast partner over the years, and we particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Carlos Aboim, founding partner at Licks Attorneys has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/
64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, Kirkland & Ellis!
BlogWe're delighted to recognize Kirkland & Ellis as a Silver level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. Kirkland & Ellis has been a steadfast partner over the years, and we particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Ellisen Turner, Partner at Kirkland & Ellis has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/
64th Annual IP Conference – ILIPA
BlogWe're delighted to recognize the Illinois IP Alliance as an Institutional Partner of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. The ILIPA serves as a hub to encourage innovation for the economic and social well-being of Illinois citizens. It consists of creators, protectors, and enablers. These professionals represent a wide range of interests and will engage officials in Congress, local and state government, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Office of the United States Trade Representative, and the International Trade Commission. I was delighted to join like-minded colleagues from law firms, industry, academia, and civil society organizations for the ILIPA's inaugural meeting. UIC John Marshall Law School looks forward to deepening its partnership with this important initiative and to supporting its work.
Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/2020
64th Annual IP Conference – IPWatchdog
BlogWe're delighted to recognize IPWatchdog as an Institutional Partner of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. If you have not read IPWatchdog's post about last year's conference, check it out here: http://bit.ly/2OLYscc
We welcome Gene Quinn, IPWatchdog's Founder, President, and CEO, as a member of our distinguished conference faculty.
Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/2020
BlogWe're delighted to recognize McAndrews as a Silver level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. McAndrews has been a steadfast partner over the years, and we particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times.
Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Chris Carani, Shareholder at McAndrews has to say!
Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/
Sponsorship details: https://bit.ly/jmlsipc2020sponsorship
IP, Technology, & Social Justice in the Age of Coronavirus
BlogWhen Professor Lateef Mtima and I first discussed collaborating on a social justice-themed IP conference in 2019, neither of us could have anticipated any of the events that have overtaken us this year. The Conference will touch on many of the key themes that have gripped newspaper headlines, including disparities in access to health, civic engagement in the IP system, issues related to older Americans, Native Americans, and Americans with disabilities, and reconceptualizing the rightsholder/IP consumer symbiosis. Our Conference will be entirely online. We hope that this will make it easier for many across the nation and around the world to join us in discussing these important issues. More info here: https://bit.ly/3gB9ZYE
64th Annual IP Conference – Rotary International
BlogWe're delighted to recognize Rotary International as an Institutional Partner of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. With over a million members worldwide, Rotarians provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
We welcome Jomarie Fredericks, Deputy General Counsel and Chief IP Counsel, Rotary International as a member of our distinguished conference faculty.
Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/2020/
Sponsorship details: https://bit.ly/jmlsipc2020sponsorship
64th Annual IP Conference – IPLAC
BlogWe're delighted to recognize The IP Law Association of Chicago (IPLAC) as an Institutional Partner of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. Founded in 1884, IPLAC is the oldest IP law association in the United States. Its membership represents the full spectrum of IP professionals including attorneys in private and corporate practice, professors, paralegals, and law students.
We welcome IPLAC President Marc Richards as a member of our distinguished conference faculty.
Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/2020/
Sponsorship details: https://bit.ly/jmlsipc2020sponsorship