IP, Technology & Social Justice in the Time of Coronavirus

Just 2 weeks to go! http://bit.ly/ipsj2020 Session 2: The Pandemic and Civil Society: Civic Engagement in the IP System Moderator: Deidré Keller, Dean, Florida A&M University College of Law* • Ann Bartow, Professor of Law, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law • Chanelle Hardy, Strategic Outreach & Policy Partnerships, Google • Brian Howard, Research and Policy Analyst, ASU American Indian Policy Institute • Jaylen Johnson, Attorney Advisor, United States Copyright Office • Joshua Lamel, CEO, InSight Public Affairs

IP, Technology & Social Justice in the Time of Coronavirus

Just 2 more weeks to go! http://bit.ly/ipsj2020 Session 1: The Pandemic: Revealing Disparities in Access to Health Moderator: Esther Lim, Partner, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP • Margaret Chon, Donald And Lynda Horowitz Professor for The Pursuit of Justice, Seattle University School of Law • Paul Coletti, Associate Patent Counsel, Johnson & Johnson • Idris McKelvey, Vice President, Patent Group, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. • Hon. Paul Michel (ret.), former Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Advisory Board Chair, Center for IP, Information and Privacy Law, UIC John Marshall Law School • Damian Porcari, Director, Elijah J. McCoy Midwest Regional United States Patent and Trademark Office

64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, Gorodissky & Partners!

Delighted to recognize @GORODISSKY as a Silver level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference @UICJohnMarshall. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Sergey Medvedev, Partner at Gorodissky, has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/

64th Annual IP Conference – American Antitrust Institute

We're delighted to recognize the American Antitrust Institute as an Institutional Partner of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. Since its inception, AAI has created and shaped the modern “progressive antitrust” movement, with a focus on preserving a competitive economy through vigorous public and private enforcement of the antitrust laws. AAI continues to be part of the bipartisan tradition that has supported the antitrust enterprise for over 125 years. It works across a network of the legal, economic, business, policy, and academic communities to develop positions that reflect clear-headed, informed, multidisciplinary, and progressive thinking about antitrust and competition policy. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what AAI President Diana Moss has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/2020

64th Annual IP Conference – Bill McGrath

Lawyers for the Creative Arts called Bill McGrath “protector of the rights of creators of public art.” Check out his article "Can VARA Help the Black Lives Matter Cause?" to find out why: https://law-arts.org/VARA_BLM Bill will a member of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference's faculty. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what he has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/

2020 AIPLA Past Presidents Award

Dorien Clark (JD ’21) beat contenders nation-wide to clinch the 2020 AIPLA Past Presidents Award. The merit-based scholarship award recognizes a law student who has excelled in the study of intellectual property law. Started in 2014, this is the first time a student from UIC John Marshall Law School has received the Award. Past Award winners include law students from Stanford Law School, the George Washington University School of Law, and Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology. The AIPLA Past Presidents Award is given to the runner-up in the Jan Jancin Award competition and is open to rising second and third-year law students from diverse backgrounds who are underrepresented racial or ethnic minorities, who have expressed an interest in pursuing a career as an intellectual property lawyer, and who have engaged in activities reflecting that interest. UIC Law attracts the most diverse student population in the Midwest and we have one the most established intellectual property programs in the country. Our IP Law Fellow Kyle Serilla identified Dorien as an outstanding member of our intellectual property student community. We worked closely with him to showcase those strengths to AIPLA. We are pleased that they agreed with us.

64th Annual IP Conference – Sneak Preview!

We're delighted to recognize JAMS as a Silver level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. We particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/

64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, JAMS!

We're delighted to recognize JAMS as a Silver level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. We particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/

64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, Arnold Ruess!

We're delighted to recognize Arnold Ruess as a Supporter level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. We particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Cordula Schumacher, Partner at Arnold Ruess, has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/

64th Annual IP Conference – Thank you, GBC!

We're delighted to recognize Greer Burns & Crain as a Gold level sponsor of our flagship 64th Annual IP Conference. We particularly appreciate their support during these uncertain times. Join us on Friday, November 13 to hear what Amy Ziegler, Shareholder at Greer Burns & Crain has to say! Conference details: https://ipconference.jmls.uic.edu/