March 18 | Music Copyright Conference
Delighted to welcome a world-class ensemble of talented #copyright experts next week. Three highly interactive online panel discussions will delve into fascinating comparative issues in #musiccopyright infringement in Asia, Europe, and the US. We also warmly welcome Samantha Handler (Bloomberg Law) and Ben Sisario (The New York Times).
Hope to see you there!
University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
Robert Brauneis Charles Cronin Subhash Bhutoria L&L Partners Zhen Troy Chen, PhD FHEA
London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
Chien-Chih (Jesse) Lu National Chengchi University Patrick Savage
Keio University Dong (Lily) Xue GEN Law Firm Eleanor Selfridge-Field Stanford University Jonathan Huber GEMA Gauthier Lunardi
Cabinet Découvertes et Droit Daniel Muellensiefen Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media Martin Schaefer
BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT Leonie Schwannecke Bucerius Law School Peter Anderson Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Hon. Denny Chin
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Robert Clarida
Reitler Kailas & Rosenblatt LLP Claremont Graduate University Vanderbilt University Law School joseph fishman Rob Kasunic U.S. Copyright Office Kristelia García University of Colorado Law School