Institute for IP and Social Justice | Interview with Howard Law 3L Liana Alston
Pleased to join Liana Alston, a third-year law student at Howard University School of Law, for a wide-ranging discussion on how social justice intersects with intellectual property law and antitrust law, the impact of AI on society and the law, and more.
Institute for Intellectual Property and Social Justice
#intellectualproperty #ai #law #data #society Allen & Gledhill LLP NUS Faculty of Law Stanford Law School Fordham University School of Law University of Illinois Chicago University of Illinois Chicago School of Law Gary Friedlander Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Emily C. and John E. Hansen IP Institute at Fordham Law School IPLAC – Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago Illinois Intellectual Property Alliance – ILIPA Penn State Dickinson Law Penn State University Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences