June 10 | Learn about IP industry-related mental health and DEI insights!
Join us on June 10 to learn the latest IP industry-related developments in mental health and DEI!
Details below:
Noon | Welcome
. Adam Ernette, IP Law Fellow, Center for Intellectual Property, Information & Privacy Law, University Illinois Chicago School of Law
. Gary Friedlander, Senior Vice President; Deputy General Counsel (International), TransUnion; Advisory Board Member, Center for Intellectual Property, Information & Privacy Law, University Illinois Chicago School of Law
12:15 – 1:45 p.m. | Panel Discussion 1
“Mental Health and Wellness”
Topics include:
. Balancing billable and non-billable hours as a junior associate.
. Becoming a community or thought leader in your practice area.
. Managing success and failure.
. Transitions to partnership, in-house, and leaving the legal profession.
. Working remotely and abroad.
Moderator/Panelist: Adam Ernette, IP Law Fellow, Center for Intellectual Property, Information & Privacy Law, University of Illinois School of Law
. Rachel Carnaggio, Partner, Holland & Hart LLP
. Rachel Hunnicutt, Attorney-Advisor, FDA Regulatory Law Division, JAG, U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command
. Kenneth Matuszewski, Associate, Goldberg Segalla
. Dr. Rita Sanzgiri, Patent Attorney (Life Sciences), Eli Lilly Company
. Dardoh Skinner, Associate, Pirkey Barber PLLC
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. | Panel Discussion 2
“Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”
Topics include:
. In-house and law firm DEI initiatives: One-size-fits-all?
. Measuring success in DEI initiatives
. The role of bar associations in DEI initiatives
. The Mansfield Rule: What attorneys need to know
Moderator/Panelist: Kyle Serilla, Attorney, Chiacchio IP, LLC
. Laith M. Abu-Taleb, Chief Strategy Officer & General Counsel, Mori
. Esther Lim, Partner & Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
. Idris McKelvey, Vice President – Patent Group, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.
. Daniel R. Saeedi, Partner, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
. Maureen R. Smith, Partner, Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery LLP
Registration: https://bit.ly/uic_ip_ethics2022