Advisory board member Peter Yu named Regents Professor

Delighted to learn that Texas A&M University recently named Peter Yu as a Regents Professor. On my invitation, Peter joined our advisory board this year. Together with Hugh Hansen, Peter and I jointly organized a roundtable on legal realism in February.
This Regents Professor designation is the most prestigious award from the Texas A&M System to highlight exemplary faculty. Peter is the first professor from the School of Law to receive this systemwide honor.
As Dean Robert Ahdieh noted “Hard to imagine a better statement of Professor Yu’s contributions and character than the introduction to a letter supporting his nomination to a distinguished society: Describing his productivity, the author wrote that ‘if academics were a race, Professor Yu would be lapping us all without breaking a sweat.’ Equally, though, the letter praises him as a ‘paragon of kindness and colleagueship. He is never too busy or too important to ignore a colleague across the country.'”