65th Annual IP Law Conference | Thank you, Leydig!

Thank you, Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd. for being an Annual Sponsor at the Supporter level!

Join us in November for our 65th Annual #IP Law Conference and meet Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.‘s Shareholder Kevin Parks. He will be speaking on our “Copyright: The New Normal” panel.


Topics include:

·      #nftsale in #arts and #esportsindustry

·      Exterritorial damages in #copyrightlaw.

·      #Memes on Instagram: #Fairuse or no use?

·      Substantial similarity post-#Skidmore: No #StairwaytoHeaven?

·      Sidestepping synch rights and music covers on TikTok

University of Illinois Chicago School of Law